My Story

What story do you want me to share… :)

I could littleGrasse FoodWorks farm because one of my freshman classes had a community-based learning, CBL, element as part of the class. I was placed at littleGrasse and the rest is kind of history. After my first day, I had the biggest smile on my face. I knew that I would be coming back after my class ended. And guess what I did!

After my race season, I helped out in the spring with the next group of CBL students. Then I came back to help out during my sophomore year as an unofficial TA. Then during my racing season, I was offered the opportunity to live on the farm, a dream that I had during my freshman year!

I am writing a blog because I want to document my time. I also want to improve my writing because I am becoming an English Major at Saint Lawrence University, SLU.

So come along and join me as I learn about the farm lifestyle and still try to be a competitive collegiate athlete.

I am a Nordic skier who now lives in Birkie land, Hawyard Wisconsin! Let go Rails!
